Silent Data Corruption, and Trips to Mars!
Interesting post over at ZDnet about silent data corruption, the kind where bits shift undetected. That means you've got bad data, or a bad file, or a bad file system. The bad news is it's worse than expected. The really bad news is that like anything, entropy is going to increase over time. I can't wait to see how this affects the government's data analysis initiatives and the no-fly list.
Some other great sciencey news: Nanowire for faster, denser, persistent storage (from the same blog). Too bad it's 10 years out. That does me no good right now. I just hope this isn't another niobium crystal technology that ends up not working in real life.
Breakthrough in photonics means we might get to go to Mars after all. I want this one even sooner than the nanowire memory.
Posted by Mark Friday, October 05, 2007 9:58:00 PM |
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