Feel Free to Carry Explosives on Planes, You Won't Get Caught
I just got done with 6 weeks of continuous travel and I wasn't surprised to read that airport security missed 90% of improvised and hidden explosives during security tests, proving our system doesn't work. Yet we still have to take off our shoes, fork over our mouthwash and listen to "the threat alert has been raised to orange - report your neighbors". My favorite quote is this from a former TSA inspector:
"There's very little substance to security," said former Red Team leader Bogdan Dzakovic. "It literally is all window dressing that we're doing. It's big theater on TV and when you go to the airport. It's just security theater. ... Dzakovic, who testified that the FAA ordered the Red Team to "not write up our findings," said the TSA is also trying to hide its results. "The last thing TSA wants to do is look bad in front of congress and in front of the public, so rather than fix the problem, they'd rather just keep them quiet," said Dzakovic.
Sure would be nice the idiots running homeland "security" would stop trying to keep their evil overlords in power by pretending we're under imminent attack and instead focus on doing their jobs. I know that's a lot to ask of this administration.Labels: DHS, security, TSA
Posted by Mark Saturday, May 26, 2007 12:13:00 PM |
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