Visualization of the Latest News Using Tags
I'm posting this because it seems that a lot of data warehouse people (unless they deal with text mining) aren't aware of some of the neat things being done in tags, folksonomies and visualizing the results. Newzingo is a site that scans Google News for common words to use as tags, aggregates them, and then scales the size of the tag to the relative number articles in order to highlight the most popular items. Slapped together using Ruby on Rails (or so I gather) and the Google API. There's also tech-related news at Techzingo and culture (I use that term lightly) news at Buzzingo.
You can see the same thing at Flickr (this has been around for ages, where have you been?) and Technorati (ditto). What's different is that Flickr and Technorati take user-entered tags, while the various zingos attempt to extract meaningful tags automatically.
Posted by Mark Monday, January 09, 2006 10:19:00 PM |
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