Weak Dollar Shmeak Dollar, Go Buy Pork Products
After experiencing 2X dollar exchange rates in Europe, I was curious about the effects of the weak dollar. After other sources like The Economist failed Fafblog came to the rescue:
"I like the Economist because it covers a wide variety of topics and makes them easily approachable. Take this article for instance, it has a picture of a really fat man with an american dollar sign on him. This shows me that Americans are fat, and that their currency is fat, too. Thank you Economist!" It's really hard to find useful tips on how to deal with the souring US economic picture and effects of a weak dollar. Fafblog helps in this respect too:
"Most important: if the dollar gets real weak, you should trade it in for items with "harder" value which can be traded back for dollars when they become valuable again. May I suggest pigs. Everyone loves pigs, and pigs become bigger and fatter by nature as you go along, which means you get more pig and therefore more dollar when it is time to trade in again." This advice fits well with my German ancestry. Lead on, noble Fafblog.
Posted by Mark Sunday, September 11, 2005 12:29:00 PM |
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