Talk on Data Integration Technology at Portland DAMA
I'll be giving a talk on data integration and extraction technologies at the Portland DAMA chapter's October 18 meeting. Free if you're a member, $25 to non-members. PDF of the slides will be online in the near future. As soon as I get them done. I never meet deadlines. I watch them recede into the distance.
Also on my speaking list is the November Data Warehouse Institute conference where I'll be doing a half-day session on the same topic. Expect more dirt about vendors and products than the DAMA session. The February TDWI will be even better: full day session, where the afternoon will be spent putting the vendors on the spot to run through technical scenarios and explain how, why and what they're doing, live and on the big screen. The vendor list isn't finalized but will include some of: Informatica, IBM/Ascential, Business Objects, Microsoft, Oracle and SAS.
Posted by Mark  Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:16:00 PM |
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