To Evil!
I've been reading the backlog of Danny O'Brien's "To Evil!" column on OSdir.com and enjoying his findings of evil across the net. For example:
"They say that all that's required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. If only it were that easy. I spent October eating nachos and playing Kingdom Of Loathing in my duvet, yet still no sign of several-headed whores of Babylon waving triumphantly from Buckingham Palace's balcony. Evil must try harder.
To give it its due, though, the forces of darkness did have quite a bash in September. Join me now as I throw solder flux on the votary candles, and invoke thrice this month's nominations for Evilness Incarnate (IT Department)." Leave it to the hive mind that feeds BoingBoing to point out interesting things that I've missed.
And I forgot all about Kingdom of Loathing. I was a mid-level Disco Bandit, doing my disco dance of doom to all before I changed computers and forgot my login.
Posted by Mark Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:58:00 PM |
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