Oracle is Unbreakable, Just Not Secure
I've been tired of the Oracle "unbreakable" marketing campaign for some time. First it meant you wouldn't lose data, than that the database wouldn't go down, then that it was secure. Well, you can lose data if you don't configure it right, it does go down from time to time - even in a well-managed clustered environment, and now these security alerts.
What's funny about this marketing campaign is that it hasn't been true for years. The security angle was written up more than a year ago. Other aspects even earlier. The good side for Oracle is that the campaign may actually affect buying decisions, because they've been keeping it up. It's sort of like IBM's campaigning that DB2 is better for data warehousing, or Microsoft claiming that "this Windows release is the most secure ever" which in their case might be true each time they release a new version.
Still, it's time Oracle stopped this marketing nonsense and came up with a new campaign. The product is good, but it's breakable. Here's a thought: they could simplify their product pricing model so it doesn't appear that they're out to rape you every time you're up for a contract renewal. If they did that they'd actually have something to talk about.
Posted by Mark Monday, September 08, 2003 10:49:00 PM |
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