DHS Has a Timeshare to Sell You
To add insult to the whole CAPPS II mess is the following:Homeland Security gave Galileo a huge financial incentive to collaborate. By creating dossiers on every member of the flying public, Galileo can sell, trade or use the information contained within for marketing purposes. Galileo's parent is Cendant, a company that sells everything from travel to insurance. The information in your travel dossier would help them turn you into a first-rate marketing victim. In other words, in order to get an airline reservation system to work with them, DHS is going to let Cendant take what is supposedly national security data and use it for marketing. Imagine: Cendant could flag likely timeshare purchasers, detain them at the airport, and hard-sell them timeshares at their destinations. The opportunities are limitless! If you're Cendant, that is.
Posted by Mark Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:35:00 PM |
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